A Simple Fish Soup

It’s struck me as I have worked my way through my books that I should really sit down and read a few of them and not just use them at meal times.  Some of them really do have a lot of good information in them and it also helps when they are well written – Nigel Slater’s books spring to mind.  One such book that has been hiding on my shelves is Richard Olney’s Simple French Food, a book I bought on a bit of a whim and haven’t used, that I can remember.

The dish I chose was rustic and simple befitting the book’s title.  It was a Breton Chowder which is basically onions, potatoes and fish, made into a broth, seasoned and served on top of broth soaked slices of bread – very simple.

Simple recipe, simple food, simple post.

On another note,  I went to Casa Iberica on the weekend and came back with some fun things including a tortilla press.  Now, when will I get to use it.

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2 Responses to A Simple Fish Soup

  1. I’d love to get my hands on a tortilla press! I’ve just started making my own (got a good recipe on my blog if you need it). Good luck with the paella.

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